Indonesia Awards 2022 Apresiasi Figur Pemimpin Publik Dan Lembaga Nasional & Daerah

Reporter : DWI ILHAMI
Kamis, 3 November 2022 11:02 WIB
Prabowo Subianto (kanan) saat menerima penghargaan dari iNews. (Foto: Dok. iNews)

Berikut ini daftar lengkap peraih penghargaan Indonesia Awards 2022 :

Penghargaan Nasional

1. Outstanding Public Official Leaders : a) Outstanding Leader in National Defense & Security : Letjen TNI (Purn) Prabowo Subianto b) Outstanding Leader in Driving Investment Growth : Bahlil Lahadalia c) Outstanding Leader in Maintaining Economic Stability : Sri Mulyani

2. Outstanding Young Professional Figure : Muhammad Saddad

3. Outstanding Social Figure : Gibran Huzaifah

4. Outstanding SMES Development CSR Initiatives : PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

Penghargaan Daerah Terbaik :

Kategori Digital Transformation :

1. Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI menerima penghargaan Excellent Public Service Digitalization Initiatives And Superintendent

2. Pemprov Jawa Barat menerima penghargaan Excellent Digital Transformation

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3. Pemprov Kepulauan Riau menerima penghargaan Excellent Government Digital Transformation

4. Pemkot Madiun menerima penghargaan Excellent Public Service Digitalization Initiatives

5. Pemkab Bangka Tengah menerima penghargaan Outstanding Digital Public Service Initiatives

6. PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk menerima penghargaan Outstanding Acceleration Of Digital Customer Acquisition

Kategori Bureaucratic Reform :


1. Pemkab Bangka Selatan menerima penghargaan Outstanding Proactive Public Service Initiatives

2. Pemkab Gunungkidul menerima penghargaan Outstanding Regional Investment Promotion Strategy

3. Pemkab Kudus menerima penghargaan Excellent Public Communication

Kategori Driving Investment Growth :

1. Pemprov Sumatera Selatan menerima penghargaan Excellent Innovation in Food Sustainability

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2. Pemprov Bali menerima penghargaan Exemplary Leader Of Local Culture Advancement in Disruption Era

3. Pemkot Medan menerima penghargaan Excellent Innovation in Health Tourism

4. Pemkot Bandar Lampung menerima penghargaan Excellent Integrated SMES Development Initiatives

5. Pemkab Labuhan Batu Selatan menerima penghargaan Excellent SMES Development Initiatives

6. Pemkab Toba menerima penghargaan Exceptional Regional Investment Strategy

7. Pemkab Bengkayang menerima penghargaan Empowering Tourist Village to Encourage Eco-Tourism

8. Pemkab Konawe Utara menerima penghargaan Excellent Support For Microenterprise Development

9. AICE Holding Company menerima penghargaan Integrated Program of SMES Empowerment

Kategori Green and Blue Economy :

1. Badan Restorasi Gambut dan Mangrove menerima penghargaan Excellent Innovation in Peatland And Mangrove Restoration

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2. Pemprov Sulawesi Barat menerima penghargaan Outstanding Innovation in Facing The Challenges of The Food Crisis

3. Pemkot Makassar menerima penghargaan Excellent Innovation in Sustainable Blue Economy

Kategori Synergetic Stakeholder Partnership :

1. Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional menerima penghargaan Collaboration and Partnership In Stunting Prevention

2. Pemkab Mamasa menerima penghargaan Exemplary Figure of Religious Tolerance

3. DPRD Kudus menerima penghargaan Excellent Public Service Innovation - Fast Com De Jure

4. Bidokkes Polda Jawa Timur menerima penghargaan Excellent Health Services Initiatives In Bhayangkara Prioritas Programme

5. RSUD Al Ihsan Pemprov Jawa Barat menerima penghargaan Excellent Hospital Services Management

6. KSP Kopdit Obor Mas menerima penghargaan Excellent Modern Cooperative Management

7. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur menerima penghargaan Excellent Innovation in Public Relation and Corporate Communication. ■

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